Traffic: One of the Top Three SEO Factors
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Site Traffic
Site traffic is one of the top three factors in your Google ranking, specifically, how many visits your website gets per month.
Every time someone does a google search, spider bots gather, index, and rank every site on the WWW to bring you the most relevant content. The spider bots like it when a website already gets a lot of traffic because they think it must have valuable information. They will continue to send new traffic to that site.
In other words, you need to have traffic to get traffic.
How To Speed Up The Process
This process will happen organically, but there are ways to speed it up. Sending traffic to your website is one of them.
By increasing your website’s traffic, you’re growing your site’s relevancy in the eyes of the spider bots, and their opinion is important!
You can easily and quickly learn more about AE’s Traffic programs by contacting one of our reps here:
Please email us at for more info.