How Do I Add Google Analytics To My Site?
- Agent Elite University
- My Account
- Agent Elite Max (CRM)
- Design Studio
- Local Presence
Real Estate Specific (Click here for a full list of articles) Email Marketing Automation and Integration (Click here for a full list of articles) Integrations Landing Pages Single Property Websites & Flyers Blogs Mortgage Specific (Click here for a full list of articles) Analytics IDX Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Team Marketing Automation
- Facebook Ads
*NOTE* This is only for Google Analytics. If you have Google Tag Tanager, FaceBook Pixel, or any other tracker that needs to be placed in the backend (placed in the header of the site), please email the code over to support so that we can place that for you.
- From the Dashboard, navigate over to Favorites and then click on Customize
- From the Customizer, click on SEO Options.
- From here, you will need your Google ID Handy
- Login to and go to Admin to be able to find your ID.
- Paste your Google ID on the customizer and publish!